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  1. Associated staff can access our library resources

    Whether you’re a retired member of staff or you’re working at Liverpool Students’ Union, you can gain access to LJMU’s library resources. Find out more information about what you are able to access here.

  2. Diversity and Inclusion e-Learning

    These Diversity and Inclusion MicroLearning Resources are available to all LJMU Staff and Students, providing you with valuable information on various topics, and keeping you updated with relevant information and supporting materials.

  3. LJMU E-Theses service

    See how to use use the LJMU E-Theses collection, an electronic archive of research degree theses that have been accepted by the University.

  4. How to do business with LJMU

    If you're a supplier wishing to work with LJMU, please see our guide for information on our procurement process, including how to complete tenders.

  5. Searching for information

    See how library resources can help with your studies, including Referencing, information literacy guides and online library tutorials.