Matthew Kelly
Read the oration for Matthew Kelly on the award of their Honorary Fellowship from Liverpool John Moores University presented by Professor Frank Sanderson.
Read the oration for Matthew Kelly on the award of their Honorary Fellowship from Liverpool John Moores University presented by Professor Frank Sanderson.
School of Biological and Environmental Sciences
Find out more about the Fellows Liverpool John Moores University honoured in 2011 including; Sir Richard Lambert, David Moyes, Tim Johnston, Jack Stopforth MBE, Miles Templeman, John Kelly, Oliver Stanley, Peter Johnson, Matthew Kelly, Bernice Law, Bob Prattey, John Flamson, Paul barber, Neil Scales OBE, Janet Suzman and Michael Brown CBE.
Find out more about the Fellows Liverpool John Moores University honoured in 2006 including; Sir Antony Gormley, Lech Walesa, Steve Williams, Barry Owen OBE, Angela Frier MBE, Gordon McGregor Reid, Phil Swash, Lord Ernest Oxburgh, Sir Robin Knox-Johnston CBE, Rt. Hon Lady Justice Mary Arden, Johnny Ball, Roy Morris CBE and Dame Gillian Oliver.
Submission for special issue of Animals - Open Access Journal.
Find out about our public engagement activities, our background and what we do at Face to Face.
Healthy Muscle Ageing Conference (HMAC) report
See the organising committee for the GP2A – Groupement des Pharmacochimistes de l’Arc Atlantique conference.
School of Humanities and Social Sciences
Find out more about the speakers at the Healthy Muscle Aging Conference.