LCR 4.0
LCR 4.0 helps SMEs to increase productivity and de-risk innovation by supporting the development of smarter products, processes and supply chains through the adoption of new technological advances.
LCR 4.0 helps SMEs to increase productivity and de-risk innovation by supporting the development of smarter products, processes and supply chains through the adoption of new technological advances.
Find about more information about the Recovery and the Arts Conference organised by the Faculty of Science at Liverpool John Moores University which takes place in the Everyman Theatre on 3 September 2019.
School of Law
Got an enquiry? Get in touch with the Liverpool Business School.
Our research strategy has a strong focus on working with external partners. Find out more about our multidiscipline, collaborative and international approach to research has helped us build a solid reputation for producing world-class research within: Entrepreneurship and small business, Public management, Public and Private sector Evaluation research and Research with practitioners
Need more information about work at the Research Centre in Evolutionary Anthropology and Palaeoecology? Get in touch with us via the links on this page.
Need more information about the work conducted at the Institute for Health Research? Get in touch with us.
Liverpool Logistics, Offshore and Marine Research Institute
Connect with The Liverpool Research Institute for Climate and Sustainability (LiRICS)
Built Environment and Sustainable Technologies Research Institute