WHO and LJMU publish joint report on childhood trauma
WHO and LJMU joint report on childhood trauma
WHO and LJMU joint report on childhood trauma
Galaxies “waste” large amounts of heavy elements they generate via star formation by ejecting them up to a million light years away
LJMU researchers feed into report by Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee
Leading sport scientist puts the case for not locking-down leisure
The new Liverpool Centre for Cultural, Social and Political Research (CSPR) is looking to recruit four working group leads.
ARI team awarded access to massive supercomputers
120 colleagues gather to discuss hot research topics
LJMUs Dr Susan Grant has spent the last decade researching and tracing the history of nursing care in the Soviet Union, with her discoveries now documented in a new publication Soviet Nightingales: Care under Communism.
The annual survey of teaching space will take place across the University over a two-week period, from Monday 21 October to Friday 1 November, 9am to 5pm.
Scrutiny of pilots for Photo-ID scheme cause for concern for legal experts