A new treatment for eating disorders: trials on Merseyside
Neuroscience backs training your brain to aid recovery
Neuroscience backs training your brain to aid recovery
Country-by-country guide to freedom of press, digital and academic information
A new study from Liverpool John Moores University (LJMU) highlights the high prevalence of cannabidiol (CBD) use among professional rugby players despite warnings it could lead to drugs bans.
Encouraging desk-based staff to move more and sit less at work can not only improve their health, but also their work performance, was the advice from the Research Institute for Sport and Exercise Sciences (RISES), at a forum for contact centre employees.
A new study shows that money is better spent on forest protection and law enforcement than rescue and rehabilitation
On Saturday 24 June 2023, in honour of Armed Forces Day, St George’s Hall will host a special exhibition of the War Widows Quilt, part of the War Widows Stories project led by LJMU academic Dr Nadine Muller.
Marie Curie nurse and PhD candidate Sarah Stanley is researching 'digital 'legacies'
The survival of the worlds rarest great ape the Tapanuli Orangutan is hanging in the balance, according to a team of scientists.
Lockdown is an emotional rollercoaster full of loss and uncertainty, say teenagers in a new video film about the pandemic.
Office of National Statistics Award for LJMU and Public Health Wales