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  1. Sporting giants speak at ICCE

    Read more about the guest speakers for the global conference of the International Council for Coaching Excellence being hosted by LJMU.

  2. Solving the evolutionary puzzle of menopause

    The evolution of the menopause was ‘kick-started’ by a fluke of nature, but then boosted by the tendency for sons and grandsons to remain living close to home, a new study by Liverpool scientists suggests.

  3. LJMU rated highly in sustainability table

    LJMU has been ranked as one of the top four universities in the country for ethical investment in a national review of sustainability and ethical investment in higher education.

  4. Rethinking the orangutan

    The critically endangered orangutan—one of human’s closet living relatives—has become a symbol of wild nature’s vulnerability in the face of human actions and an icon of rainforest conservation.

  5. "There are so many opportunities at LJMU"

    After starting university life during the pandemic, working on a project in Nepal and winning an award for mentoring young people in Liverpool, Grace Belcher completed “three incredible years” with LJMU today.