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  1. The life of a primatologist

    Meet LJMU primate specialist and lecturer in Animal Behaviour, Dr Alex Piel. He talks about his research on chimpanzees and what they tell us about our own history.

  2. no mow may

    LJMU is taking part in No Mow May as part of our commitment to enhancing biodiversity and the environment.

  3. Coffee and Croissant, Breakfast and Networking

    Research and Innovation Services (RIS) will be holding an informal networking breakfast event, Coffee and Croissant, at Byrom Street, MTC Social Zone on Thursday 4th April from 8.15am – 9.30am.

  4. Staff Infobase (Oracle E-Business Suite) is being upgraded

    Staff Infobase (Oracle E-Business Suite) is being upgraded over the Easter weekend. The upgraded system will be available by 8am on Tuesday 6th April. The upgrade will move the system to the latest version of the software, ensuring that it remains up-to-date and continues to effectively support the University's business.