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  1. Forensic anthropology

    The Forensic anthropology group is committed to the development of protocols and guidelines to increase the reliability of the recovery, documentation and analysis of human remains. We provide casework consultancy for forensic anthropological analysis, facial approximation and mass grave excavation. Find out about our work by viewing our publications, collaborations, research areas and people.

  2. International public health

    The Public Health Institute's expertise into international public health includes: maternal and reproductive health, the promotion of health, refugee health, violence prevention, drug abuse, and more. Find out more about this aspect of research.

  3. Disabled students – accommodation

    We make sure your accommodation is tailored to your needs. This section provides information for disabled students about the adapted accommodation available.

  4. Sports, societies and communities

    Life at LJMU is so much more than just studying, it's a lifestyle. Find out about our wide range of sports teams, clubs and societies available to join. No matter what your interests are, there is sure to be a student group for you. Plus find out what sports and fitness facilities are available at LJMU.

  5. Sigrid Olthof

    School of Sport and Exercise Sciences - Sigrid Olthof

  6. Naval Architect

    The broad purpose of the occupation is the design and technical responsibility for the construction and maintenance of ships, boats, other marine vessels and offshore structures, both civil and military.

  7. BSc (Hons) Midwifery interview

    As a prospective future midwife, your ability to present yourself in a professional manner will be assessed, along with other areas, such as your passion for the vocation, and awareness and knowledge of the role.