Groundhog Day or liberation from daily routine?
Dr Ruth Odgen from the School of Psychology, a lead investigator on a new study into time under COVID-19 isolation, shares her thoughts with us.
Dr Ruth Odgen from the School of Psychology, a lead investigator on a new study into time under COVID-19 isolation, shares her thoughts with us.
Final Year Sociology student Lucy Rose Ashton reflects on her time at LJMU, all the support available for new and current students and how to reach out.
Going on safari in Africa offers tourists the opportunity to see some of the most spectacular wildlife on Earth – including African elephants, but as it becomes more popular worldwide, it’s worth remembering that we often don’t know how tourism affects the animals we observe.
When you think about your own school days, you might have had a furry friend to keep you company in the classroom – maybe a school hamster, rabbit or guinea pig. But what about a school dog?
Second year LLB Law student Poppy shares what she learnt away from the lecture theatre about legal history during a visit to Lancaster.
Rachel Stalker, Senior Lecturer in Law and founder of the pro bono Legal Advice Centre at LJMU, recently hosted University of Saskatchewan law professor Sarah Buhler.
The value of a university education has been a hot topic for some time. We look at the benefits to doing a degree - why it's a valuable investment in the professional and personal future of students.
Why maths is more than just numbers...
Prescription drugs pregabalin and gabapentin have been reclassified – but it won’t stop problem use
We sit down with Mollie who applied to LJMU on Results Day to find out what applying through Clearing is like.