Introducing award winning fine art alum Anna B. Sexton
Award-winning Fine Art alum Anna B. Sexton is a mentor, coach, and entrepreneur. She empowers creatives through mentorship, start-up coaching, and innovation.
Award-winning Fine Art alum Anna B. Sexton is a mentor, coach, and entrepreneur. She empowers creatives through mentorship, start-up coaching, and innovation.
Read the UKSPF privacy notice for enterprises.
The Dance Research Group is at the forefront of the latest innovations in dance education. Our expertise includes professional studies, technology in dance, disability and dance, and creative practice.
This week Chris Mackintosh and Milly Blundell have generously agreed to share their experiences of delivering a module using a flipped learning methodology.
Find out how to get to the conference and where to stay.
Read the Collaborative Staff Privacy Notice
Discover how Barclays IT Unix Division benefited from working with LJMU staff, students and resources on a brainstorming product development project.
Read the Learner digital engagement privacy notice.
Which computer science degree is for you? Find out more about each of our different courses and their content
Public Health Institute