LJMU staff notices 17 March 2022
When the weekly newsletter just isn't enough, discover more in this week's staff notices...
When the weekly newsletter just isn't enough, discover more in this week's staff notices...
A shortage of fertility professionals has prompted a new Masters degree with Liverpool John Moores University.
LJMU's acclaimed Refugee Nursing course made the headlines again in a feature on BBC1's flagship Morning Live programme.
Over 300 undergraduate and postgraduate LJMU students have registered their interest in clinical trials at Liverpool School of Tropical Medicines Accelerator Research Clinic (ARC) with many LJMU students having already taken part in a study.
The School of Law held a discussion day on Tuesday on Vladimir Putin's invasion of Ukraine for people to learn more about the legal context of the war.
First comprehensive advice on 'true' and 'false' side effects
Professionalisation of policing "good for recruits and society"
LJMUs Head of Capital Development, Graham Pilkington, was in Birmingham earlier this week as he watched one of his athletes, Ola Abidogun, win bronze in the T45-T47 100m.
Scientists use spectrometry to identify liquid inside vials
Liverpool John Moores University has been chosen as the Consortium Secretariat of a new Going Global Partnership, funded by the British Council, with Malaysia. The new collaboration aims to promote strategic engagement and bilateral cooperation in higher education between partner institutions in both countries.