Search the LJMU website

  1. Liverpool School of Art and Design careers support

    As a graduate from the Liverpool School of Art and Design a wide variety of career opportunities could be open to you. Find out what careers you could secure and how, through placements and events, the School will help boost your employability.

  2. School of Engineering

    Find out more about the School of Engineering, including courses, research and staff.

  3. Greenbank Sports Academy

    Read more about the collaboration between Greenbank Sports Academy (GSA) and LCR 4.0. GSA sought to develop a user friendly sports wheelchair which could be used to play power hockey and wheelchair football – which they have since named as ‘The Equaliser’.

  4. Open research

    Benefits of Open Research at LJMU and advice on how to share your research with the community.

  5. School of Nursing and Advanced Practice

    At the School of Nursing and Advanced Practice, we’re delivering impactful projects that integrate education and research, promote innovative service delivery and improved patient care. Find out about the School of Nursing and Advanced Practice's research, courses, facilities and career opportunities available to nursing and healthcare graduates.

  6. Beverston Enginnering

    Read more about the collaboration between Beverston Engineering and LCR 4.0 working closely together we were able to develop a package of work, concentrating upon technologies which could have significant impact upon component accuracy improvement and waste reduction within the CNC manufacturing process.

  7. Serious Games

    Serious Games is one of the strands of the Artivism Research Group. A major project of the Group is the board game - Probationary: The Game of Live on Licence. This art piece explores the lived experience of being on probation.