Search the LJMU website

  1. Cheshire Botanicals Ltd

    Cheshire Botanicals Ltd is a family-run spirits business and the home of locally-loved Nantwich Gin.

  2. CCC Waste Ltd

    City Centre Containers Ltd (CCC Waste) is a market leader in total waste management solutions, aggregate supply, skips and environmental reporting in Liverpool and the North West.

  3. Funding - Study abroad

    Discover study abroad funding options, including Erasmus+, the LJMU Travel Award, and scholarships available to LJMU students.

  4. Financial Information

    Policies related to LJMU's financial information including: Financial Statements, Finance Strategy, Policy and Guidance and Online Payments.

  5. Seminar series 2021-2022

    The Liverpool Institute for Research in Education runs seminars throughout the year. Find out more about Seminar Series 2021-2022.

  6. Co-publishing

    It might appear to be a daunting task to try and publish a piece of work on your own, find out why it may be worthwhile to think about publishing with others and working in writing teams.

  7. Governance, Policy and Targets

    Our arrangements for environmental management, sustainability and climate change fit within the university's governance structures which have staff and student representation.

  8. Programme for River Flow 2024

    The River Flow 2024 programme is subject to change and will be finalized soon. Registration will open from 8am, while sessions will run from 8.30am to 5.30pm, with lunch provided at 1pm.