Visiting lecturers
Visiting lecturers
Visiting lecturers
LJMU Standard Payment Terms are 30 days from invoice date. Suppliers are paid to these terms unless otherwise agreed with Finance.
Find out more about the Visiting Lecturer (VL) processes which follow LJMU's general procurement processes.
Come and see one of your Procurement Finance Officers around campus who can answer your queries, guide you through processes, do live demos on i-Buy and chat all things Procurement
About Us
Staff E-learning Modules, Bribery Act, Cyber Security and Data Privacy, Diversity in the Workplace, Introduction to Prevent Duty, Understanding Modern Slavery
The University has a personal review and personal development (Appraisal) scheme to provide clarity for staff at least once a year. Find out more about appraisals.
LJMU Staff Development Funding
See our comprehensive package of assistance to staff going through organisational change.
Find out more about the Technician Skills, Roles and Responsibilities Survey run by the National Technician Development Centre (NTDC).