Syed Naqvi
Department of Computer Science
Department of Computer Science
Find out about the undergraduate and postgraduate courses in the areas of biochemistry, forensic science, pharmacy, biomedical science, virology, drug discovery, pharmaceuticals, and biotechnology.
Department of Computer Science
MSc Forensic and Investigative Psychology interview information for applicants.
Which computer science degree is for you? Find out more about each of our different courses and their content
Department of Computer Science
Some of the members within the Research Centre in Evolutionary Anthropology and Palaeoecology present their research findings on television programmes, including National Geographic, and at various conferences. Watch videos about human evolution, conservation strategies, animal behaviour and forensic practices.
Face Lab focuses on the digital creative agenda. Specifically, Face Lab explores faces and art-science applications.
The Research Centre in Evolutionary Anthropology and Palaeoecology hosts an annual seminar series.
Our Digital Health is a research project that looks at how people with learning disabilities use technology to support their health and wellbeing.