Search the LJMU website

  1. Data protection

    Policies related to data protection: Authority to release form, Data Protection Policy, How to request your personal information, Request for information template, Student data collection notice, Obtaining Occupational Health Records and Occupational Health Records Request Form.

  2. About us – Liverpool Health Commission

    Liverpool Health Commission is a new, dynamic initiative fully funded by Liverpool John Moores University. The Commission aims to conduct independent investigation and critical analysis of significant, key public health and health care policy issues.

  3. Visits and evidence for the Liverpool Health Commission

    Liverpool Health Commission is a new, dynamic initiative fully funded by Liverpool John Moores University. The Commission aims to conduct independent investigation and critical analysis of significant, key public health and health care policy issues.

  4. The Schools' Observatory privacy notice

    Read The Schools' Observatory privacy notice. LJMU takes your privacy very seriously. This privacy notice explains how we use your personal information and your rights regarding that information. We are committed to being transparent about how we collect and use your data and to meeting our data protection obligations.

  5. Liverpool Health Commission

    Liverpool Health Commission is an independent body supported by LJMU which has been set up to investigate and analyse health care policy issues, with the aim of making practical and realistic recommendations to assist policymakers.

  6. Academic Policy

    Academic policies: Academic Feedback Policy, Briefing Sheet, E-Submission Policy, Placement Learning Code of Practice, Peer review and teaching observation, Marking of Anonymised Coursework, Marking of Anonymised Examination Scripts, Personal Tutor Policy, Postgraduate certificate in learning and teaching in HE (PGCertLTHE)