Ten ways to find part-time work
Part-time work is a great way to earn money, gain work experience, develop key skills and evidence skills on your CV!
Part-time work is a great way to earn money, gain work experience, develop key skills and evidence skills on your CV!
Risktec Solutions is a specialist safety and risk management consulting company. Discover how LJMU worked with them on a Knowledge Transfer Partnership.
Additional recording guidance for NAH colleagues
Read the Learner digital engagement privacy notice.
Find out more about the useful websites that can help support you with your placement journey.
Liverpool Business School interview and audition information for applicants.
Find out more about the events for the Centre for Port and Maritime History.
Meet the people behind the School of Law.
Find out more about online coverage and media press-releases from REMESH.
Find out more about our entry procedures which will give you a good idea of what to expect on the day of your interview.