Search the LJMU website

  1. Benefits of working at LJMU

    As a valued member of staff at the University in addition to competitive salaries, generous leave allowances and staff development opportunities there are numerous other benefits that contribute towards the excellent total reward package that we offer.

  2. Why publish your work?

    Find out how not only does having your work published help other nurses, but its influence also spreads amongst other health care professionals.

  3. Royal British Legion

    The Royal British Legion was founded in 1921 by British veterans in the aftermath of the First World War.

  4. SDG 13 - Climate action

    Discover more information about one of our sustainable development goals: Climate action.

  5. Second National consultation

    This project aims to create a universal definition of physical literacy in England to hopefully catalyse efforts to adopt, support and promote physical literacy in practice.

  6. Business grant tender opportunities

    LCEI’s grant funding is allocated to eligible businesses that wish to invest in low carbon tech or equipment that will allow their operation to reduce its carbon emissions.

  7. Dr Craig Hammond

    Craig is an inspiring educator who embodies everything that LJMU stands for in 2023 - to be student focused, inclusive and courageous in all that we do. He was recognised in 2022 with a National Teaching Fellowship Award for his outstanding impact on student outcomes and the teaching profession in higher education.

  8. Dennis Outten

    Double LJMU graduate Dennis creates incredible immersive experiences in the Liverpool City Region through his company Focal Studios. Combining his passion and interest for technology with art, his company maps out buildings and famous landmarks that can then be used as the canvas for magical, visual experiences that bring stories to life like you’ve never seen before.