Your rights as a disabled job-seeker or employee
Understanding your legal rights as a disabled jobseeker or employee empowers you to advocate for yourself and succeed in the workplace.
Understanding your legal rights as a disabled jobseeker or employee empowers you to advocate for yourself and succeed in the workplace.
The Start-up Hub address, email and telephone number can all be found on this contact page. Get in touch with us today.
EndNote online is a helpful citation tool which students can use on and off campus.
First time studying abroad? Get all the essential information you need before traveling to make your experience smooth and enjoyable.
As a part of the Qualitative Analysis in Action project, you are invited to read the interviews with women who are making positive changes to their communities in Nepal. The interviews help us to gain a better understanding of these women's unique and inspirational lives.
New to LJMU? Learn how to access your academic timetable and understand what it means. Our guide should help you stay organised from day one.
Explore the help, advice, and support available for international students at LJMU to ease your transition and make the most of your student life.
Discover external wellbeing resources beyond LJMU, including general and specialist support. Contact our Student Wellbeing Team for help and guidance.
Details of how to register to vote as a student
If your anxiety is affecting your daily life and is causing you to avoid certain situations, it might be helpful to recognise it and seek support. Find out more about the resources that are available.