Shaquita Corry
Student governor
Student governor
Here you will find information about travelling to Exchange Station including maps, directions and advice to help you find us.
Video performances, plus commentaries, lyrics, notes and musical notation, for performances 29-32 from Dr Gerry Smyth's musical adaptation of James Joyce's 'Chamber Music'.
Video performances, plus commentaries, lyrics, notes and musical notation, for all 36 songs from Dr Gerry Smyth's musical adaptation of James Joyce's 'Chamber Music'.
Video performances, plus commentaries, lyrics, notes and musical notation, for performances 33-36 from Dr Gerry Smyth's musical adaptation of James Joyce's 'Chamber Music'.
Vincent Scriven was a pantryman with Elder Dempster Lines. Listen to his interview.
The Teaching and Learning Academy undertake a variety of projects, including the Teaching and Learning Conference, surveys, the Teaching and Learning awards, Curriculum Enhancement Internships, as well as the Learning Gain project.
Jury service
Enjoy our monthly cartoon section, this months ‘toon’ comes from our Team Resource Management series by our resident cartoonist Smurphmuff.
John Goble was the Chief Officer for Elder Dempster Lines. John joined Elder Dempsters in 1963 as Third Mate. In his interview, John discusses the challenges of working at sea, his first impressions on West Africa and how the impact containerisation had on the industry.