Search the LJMU website

  1. UK Malaysia University Consortium

    UK-MUC is aimed to promote mutual understanding on a global scale by expanding international higher education in terms of teaching, research and knowledge exchange between the UK and Malaysia.

  2. CPD Return to Practice Nursing

    The ideal course if you have been out of current practice in either nursing or health visiting and wish to return to the NMC register.

  3. Professional Development

    At the School of Education, we offer professional development courses and programmes for a wide range of educators.

  4. E-Theses service

    Deposit your thesis in the electronic archive of LJMU research degree theses with due regard to copyright considerations.

  5. Guidance Policy and Process

    Guidance, Policies and Processes: Admissions Policy, Access Agreement, Code of Practice for Admissions, Guidance for student support fund, Guidance for Students/Staff on the Fitness to Practise Procedures, Extenuating Circumstances, Deferred Consideration Procedures, Student Code of Behaviour and Disciplinary Procedures, Student Governance Confidentiality, Student Governance Retention Storage and Destruction, Student Attendance Policy, Student Social Networking Statement, Turnitin Info for students, University Fitness to Practise Policy, University Fitness to Study Policy, Visa Responsibilities.

  6. Gillian Miller and Kevin Fearon

    Read the orations for Gillian Miller and Kevin Fearon on the award of their Honorary Fellowship form LJMU, the University's highest honour.

  7. School of Psychology careers support

    Our Psychology degrees are accredited against the requirements for the Graduate Basis for Chartered Membership (GBC) of the British Psychological Society (BPS). Find out more about the career prospects available to students at LJMU's School of Psychology.