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  1. Project delivery | IT Services

    Find out more about the Project Delivery Team within LJMU's IT Services Department. We develop and deliver the IT Strategy by supporting LJMU Faculties and Professional Services.

  2. James Joyce's "Chamber Music"

    Video performances, plus commentaries, lyrics, notes and musical notation, for all 36 songs from Dr Gerry Smyth's musical adaptation of James Joyce's 'Chamber Music'.

  3. How do I buy (including i-Buy)

    Procurement services have responsibility for developing the LJMU procurement strategy, financial regulations, i-buy and supporting LJMU schools and service teams to achieve value for money and best practice in obtaining goods and services.

  4. Conferences

    Find out more about the Research Network on Emergency Resources Supply Chain group conferences.

  5. Academic Framework

    Academic Framework policies available in this section: Academic Framework summary of changes to regulations, Glossary, Postgraduate Regulations, Regulations in Practice, and Undergraduate Regulations.

  6. James Joyce's "Chamber Music"

    Video performances, plus commentaries, lyrics, notes and musical notation, for performances 13-16 from Dr Gerry Smyth's musical adaptation of James Joyce's 'Chamber Music'.

  7. Brian McManus interview – Elder Dempster

    Brian McManus joined Elder Dempster Lines as a second officer and made his way up the ranks to master. Find out more about Brian's experiences onboard the ships by listening to his interview.

  8. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

    Policies related to LJMU's equality and diversity: Athena Swan Submission, Bullying and Harassment Policy, Equality and Diversity Policy, Gender Reassignment Guidance. You can also download a copy of our Diversity Calendar.