Machines that 'learn how to learn'
Researchers have developed a new approach to machine learning that mimics humans ability to learn how to learn.
Researchers have developed a new approach to machine learning that mimics humans ability to learn how to learn.
More than 300 graduating students exhibit to public in John Lennon
PhD student David Dunne has worked with Harlequins, QPR and the Ryder Cup team to maximise the physical potential of athletes. Together with ex-PhD Sam Impey, David has raised £450k to launch training companion app Hexis, claimed to be the world's most intelligent nutrition system. He spoke to us to explain more.
Curator joins LJMU's School of Art and Design Exhibition Research Lab for a 12 month research project.
A project featuring a lecturer from LJMU will take centre stage next week (Monday 14 June Saturday 19 June) at the British Academys Summer Showcase.
A new 1.7m multinational research project - TIMED - is led by LJMUs Dr Ruth Ogden, who shared her thoughts with us.
Actress and writer Meera Syal has praised the talent of her illustrator - a Liverpool School of Art and Design student.
The threat to the environment posed by uranium left over from the Cold War may be less severe than feared, according to a field study led by Liverpool John Moores University.
Today is Transgender Day or Remembrance (20th November 2019) - A vigil will be held in Exchange Station 6.00pm onwards
Scientists who track-and-trace fish for a living claim that analysing seawater can tell us the richest story of what lies beneath the waves.