First cohort graduates from Leadership Skills programme
Partnership tackles problem of 'accidental managers'
Partnership tackles problem of 'accidental managers'
Here's some simple steps you can take to look after your own data and digital wellbeing, from passwords to phishing attempts.
LJMU School of Law teams up with Liverpool Advocates for Windrush to improve access to legal redress
The conference theme of “Community” highlighted PhD, Prof Doc and MPhil Students’ research and activities, both in terms of academic study and voluntary work.
Our SAW team is offering students and staff a range of events over the next few months to help mental wellbeing this semester.
Thinking about where to live next year? Attend the Liverpool Student Homes Housing Fairs.
Every year we award a range of scholarships from £1,000 to £5,000 that don't need to be paid back!
Undergraduates collaborate with peers in Texas on design brief
LJMU is offering our second and final year students (Levels 5 & 6) the opportunity to undertake a paid 'Discovery Internship' with a local organisation, working on a suitable project or piece of work that will enhance your employability skills and career insight.
Liverpool John Moores University is going the extra mile to support youngsters at risk of missing out on a university education due to the COVID pandemic.