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  1. Taking control of your future

    Meet Jack Fitzpatrick - LJMU third year student and inspirational speaker at our careers events for students and graduates with disabilities.

  2. 5 Ways to Battle Homesickness and Settle into University

    University can be some of the best years of your life, however adjusting to a big change can take some time. Whether you've travelled an hour down the road or from across the water, homesickness can affect everyone. Here are some tips to handle homesickness and ensure you enjoy university life as much as possible.

  3. Maritime SuperSkills Project

    Event to celebrate the successful completion of the project at the Maritime Museum, Royal Albert Dock on 13th June 2019. Attended by Iain McKinnon, Secretary Maritime Skills Alliance, local and national employers and LJMU staff who have helped with the project.

  4. Top five ways to make the most of the LJMU Libraries

    Top five ways to make the most of the LJMU Libraries. As a student at LJMU, you have amazing access to three different Library spaces across campus in the Avril Robarts, Aldham Robarts and Student Life Building.

  5. In Memoriam: Nickianne Moody

    It is with great sadness that the University announces the death of Nickianne Moody following a period of illness.