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  1. A life of action

    The life of Eleanor Rathbone (1872-1946) was the subject of the latest Roscoe lecture, delivered by Dr Susan Cohen at St George’s Hall to mark the start of a year in celebration of her life. An audience of over 1,000 were given an insight into the achievements of this extraordinary Liverpool citizen who, born into a life of wealth and privilege, used her influence and position in society to campaign for social justice and dedicated her entire life to the service of others.

  2. New Staff Gardening Group

    The School of Biological & Environmental Sciences has been working on a project to improve Byrom Street Campus with 10 urban wildlife gardens.

  3. Words of wisdom to new students

    We asked our current students and alumni community what their one piece of advice would be to new students starting their studies at LJMU. Here's what they said...

  4. An inspirational occasion

    LJMU students took centre stage at the University’s annual Middle Temple event in London recently, hosted by LJMU Chancellor and Honorary Fellow, Sir Brian Leveson.