LJMU to be the ‘go-to’ university for specialist teacher training
New partnerships with Seashell Trust and Mary Hare to offer teachers training in sensory impairments of sight and hearing
New partnerships with Seashell Trust and Mary Hare to offer teachers training in sensory impairments of sight and hearing
Liverpool John Moores University is focusing on our values of community and togetherness as we make our way through the COVID-19 crisis.
Collaboration campus for manufacturing and engineering skills
UUK analysis shows extra earnings outstrip costs of university
Professor Ruth Ogden is exploring how astronauts can better experience long time periods in Space
Putting our values into practice is our joint challenge
Feel Fab Feb may be over but there's wellbeing support for students and staff throughout the year at LJMU
We spoke to Dr Lizz Peatfield JP about the failings of the criminal justice system after the publication of her new book The Reality of Justice in England's lower courts
A new analysis of the famous Piltdown Man forgeries, conducted by LJMU researchers, points the finger of suspicion even more firmly at their discoverer, Charles Dawson. The Piltdown Man scandal is arguably the greatest scientific fraud ever perpetrated in the UK, with fake fossils being claimed as evidence of our earliest ancestor.
LJMU Connect has launched the LJMU Mentoring Group to enable students, staff and alumni to develop meaningful mentoring connections within our LJMU community.