Searching for Kuwaiti War dead
LJMU's Forensic team add knowhow to nation's search for last resting places of soldiers
LJMU's Forensic team add knowhow to nation's search for last resting places of soldiers
LJMU has welcomed former Lancashire Constabulary Chief Constable Steve Finnigan CBE to teach the next generation of police leaders, at the Liverpool Centre for Advanced Policing Studies.
A new study has revealed that drones fitted with a standard camera are able to detect chimpanzee nests, saving conservation researchers hours of ground work.
Researchers from LJMU and the University of Liverpool have conducted a study examining the effect ecstasy has on different parts of the brain.
Exclusive Mike McCartney exhibition opens for LJMU staff and students
Liverpool John Moores University students have begun taking a pledge to help protect each other and the public from the Coronavirus.
We asked our current students and alumni community what their one piece of advice would be to new students starting their studies at LJMU. Here's what they said...
Rena, 39 began studying at LJMU in 2020 and decided to transform a café into counselling rooms during her second year of study.
Business Minister, Rt Hon Anna Soubry MP, visited the site of the new Sensor City to see how the £15 million facility will revolutionise sensor technologies.
Sky News anchor Gillian Joseph delivered a brutally honest account of being black in Britain in the LJMU Roscoe Lecture on Wednesday.