James Ren
Department of Maritime and Mechanical Engineering
Department of Maritime and Mechanical Engineering
Find out how you could secure an LJMU-funded internship with a local organisation, working on a suitable graduate-level project. Internships are available to Level 5 and 6 LJMU students and graduates from the most recent graduating class.
For some professional programmes the University is required to make a judgement on a students' fitness to practise a certain range of skills and professional behavior. This is entirely separate from any academic judgment issues that the University is required to make.
Find out more about the history of C F Mott College of Education and COLCHE.
View the scientific programme for the European Conference on Behavioural Biology.
Through the Degree Apprenticeship scheme, employers can gain a highly-skilled employee with both the academic qualifications and relevant practical skills to enhance their workforce. Find out more about how you can employ a Degree Apprentice with help from LJMU.
The DisSPA network aims to provide a transdisciplinary space to connect members and allies who advocate for, and collaborate to, enhance the provision of more inclusive and empowering sport and physical activity opportunities for people with disability.
We are looking for people aged 55 or over to take part in a study that aims to engage with stakeholders to understand their needs and priorities for improving stair safety in the homes of older people.
Find out more about how LJMU Business School created a model that re-engineers the relationship between pharmaceutical companies and trials operator, ensuring greater communication and common purpose. Improving patient outcomes through better project management of clinical trials
As a student at Liverpool John Moores University you are entitled to lots of free IT related stuff, see what's available to you.