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  1. Postgraduate

    Invest in your future success with a postgraduate degree. Postgraduate study will improve your career prospects and help you achieve your professional and personal goals. As a postgraduate student you can focus on your specific interests, expand your knowledge and undertake worthwhile and exciting research.

  2. Liverpool LASER

    Liverpool LASER is part of the worldwide series of free LASER Talks sponsored by Leonardo the International Society for Arts, Sciences, and Technology (Leonardo/ISAST).

  3. Astrophysics courses

    Find out about the courses offered at the Astrophysics Research Institute including undergraduate and postgraduate degrees, distance learning courses and PhD studies.

  4. SDG 6 - Clean water and sanitation

    At LJMU, we’re making efforts to address our water usage by installing efficient water dispensers, harvesting rainwater and using low-flush toilets in our buildings across campuses. Locally, we are promoting sustainable energy on Hilbre Island and internationally we are proud to champion the voices of islanders in the Philippines through documentaries shared at the United Nations World Ocean’s Day.