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  1. Revealing 100-year global height study

    Dutch men and Latvian women are the tallest on the planet, according to the largest ever study of height around the world. The research group, which included LJMU’s Dr Lynne Boddy, conducted the study using data from most countries in the world, tracking the height of young adult men and women between 1914 and 2014.

  2. Launch of MSc Emergency Care module

    The universitys new and innovative MSc Emergency Care module has been well received, with more than 200 stakeholders, leaders and healthcare professionals attending the launch symposium.

  3. New corporate charities

    We are delighted to announce our two new Corporate Charities - Claire House Children's Hospice and The Girls Network.

  4. A timely reflection on Liverpool and our lives

    At a time when COVID 19 has made people fearful, isolated or alone, Jeff Youngs new book, Ghost Town, offers not only a fascinating read but also a reflection on all those things that are important to us, our families, friends and communities. Its a deeply felt and beautifully written journey through Jeffs Liverpool childhood, the adult writer stalking Liverpool alone or with friends, searching for a past lost, regained, remembered so viscerally that the reader feels intimately connected to the child Jeff longing to leave the hospital where hes had his tonsils removed or to the older man out walking with writer friend, Horatio Clare, in search of de Quincey in Everton.