Search the LJMU website

  1. Academic Policy

    Academic policies: Academic Feedback Policy, Briefing Sheet, E-Submission Policy, Placement Learning Code of Practice, Peer review and teaching observation, Marking of Anonymised Coursework, Marking of Anonymised Examination Scripts, Personal Tutor Policy, Postgraduate certificate in learning and teaching in HE (PGCertLTHE)

  2. LGBTQI+ Flags

    In 1978 gay rights activist Gilbert Baker created the first Pride flag with the goal of it being a symbol for everyone. Since then many new flags were created to represent all communities within the LGBTQI+ community.

  3. Directed Study Week

    Find out more about Directed Study Week, five days of workshops and webinars that will help you make the most of everything on offer at the University!

  4. Research support

    To help researchers excel and reach their full potential we offer a full range of personal, professional and career development opportunities via the Researcher Development Programme.

  5. Student privacy notice

    Liverpool John Moores University (LJMU) needs to obtain and process a range of information about its students in order to exercise its responsibilities and fulfils its education, training and support obligations to you and to carry out other essential university activities.

  6. Website disclaimer

    Every effort is made to ensure that information contained on this website is accurate and up-to-date, however, this information is subject to change without notice and the University can accept no liability for the accuracy of all the information presented at any given time.

  7. Data Quality

    LJMU has a strong commitment to data quality and recognises the importance of high quality, timely and reliable data and information to support good decision-making at all levels.

  8. James Joyce's "Chamber Music"

    acknowledgement of individuals and institutions who helped with the production of Dr Gerry Smyth's online learning resources based on his setting of the lyrics included in James Joyce's 36-lyric sequence entitled 'Chamber Music'