IT Services
Driven by committed IT professionals, IT Services team deliver excellent, transformative customer focused IT services, supporting our students and staff in achieving LJMU's strategic goals.
Driven by committed IT professionals, IT Services team deliver excellent, transformative customer focused IT services, supporting our students and staff in achieving LJMU's strategic goals.
Discover Being Lean and Seen's workshops and seminars or get in touch with us to find out more about the project.
As a part of the Qualitative Analysis in Action project, you are invited to read the interviews with women activists in Nepal. The interviews help us to gain a better understanding of their unique and inspirational lives.
Find out more about the Legal Team and how to get in touch with the team.
Learn more about the work our Research and Innovation Services department does within LJMU.
Capital expenditure represents funds invested in acquiring, upgrading and constructing fixed assets. A fixed asset is a resource the University controls and from which we can expect to derive future economic benefit for more than one year. Expenditure for any other purpose is revenue.
As a part of the Qualitative Analysis in Action project, you are invited to read the interviews with women who are making positive changes to their communities in Nepal. The interviews help us to gain a better understanding of these women's unique and inspirational lives.
Find out how you could secure an LJMU-funded internship with a local organisation, working on a suitable graduate-level project. Internships are available to Level 5 and 6 LJMU students and graduates from the most recent graduating class.
Simulation-based educators should read this book, particularly those who are involved in designing programmes of training or who are responsible for designing the simulator environment and purchasing equipment.
Learn about your postgraduate fees and funding options at LJMU, with tips on managing your finances effectively.