Facilitation and training skills
This two day programme focuses on the practical skills and techniques required to deliver training, demonstrations, briefings and other learning interventions.
This two day programme focuses on the practical skills and techniques required to deliver training, demonstrations, briefings and other learning interventions.
If you are an exchange student on a programme such as SOCRATES or ERASMUS, you can find out all the information you need about your accommodation.
This Programme is designed to equip professional coaches with the supervisory knowledge and skills needed to practice as confident and competent coaching supervisors.
Read more about LJMU's Student Futures.
Presentation Skills
Find out more about Diversity and Inclusion in LJMU.
Advance HE
Find out more about Directed Study Week, five days of workshops and webinars that will help you make the most of everything on offer at the University!
Share your knowledge and support fellow LJMU graduates by offering industry insights and helping them navigate the workplace.
Courseloop is LJMU's curriculum management system