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  1. Formula Student road to Silverstone explored in new 1823 Podcast

    In a special edition of the LJMU 1823 Podcast: The road to Silverstone, Dr Christian Matthews is joined by LJMU e-Racing Head of Team 2022, MSc student Cameron Reedy, and former Head of Team, Rhian Griffith, who now works as a mechanical engineer at the Small Robot Company.

  2. Paid opportunity to solve a real world issue

    LCR Founders is offering students from any programme or level of study the chance to apply for a three-day paid consultancy to solve a real-world issue presented by an external organisation.

  3. Our Bicentenary in 200 seconds...

    As 2023 draws to a close, we’re reflecting on what an incredible year it has been for LJMU, as we mark 200 years of the institution.