Groundhog Day or liberation from daily routine?
Dr Ruth Odgen from the School of Psychology, a lead investigator on a new study into time under COVID-19 isolation, shares her thoughts with us.
Dr Ruth Odgen from the School of Psychology, a lead investigator on a new study into time under COVID-19 isolation, shares her thoughts with us.
Summer internship at LJMU: Fighting climate change one Miscanthus experiment at a time, By Amy Speers, BSc (Hons) Biology student
Considering university brings about a myriad of thoughts and feelings. Third year Adult Nursing student ,Natalie Beltran gives her perspective on why taking the leap back into study was worth it.
Bipedal movement has existed in modern reptiles for much longer than we previously knew, writes Dr Peter Falkingham
Why the engineering industry is appealing for more female talent.
Final Year Sociology student Lucy Rose Ashton reflects on her time at LJMU, all the support available for new and current students and how to reach out.
On Friday 8 March, over 20 students studying BSc and MSc programmes in LJMU's School of Sport and Exercise Sciences visited St. George's Park, the home of the Football Association.
Don’t think university is for you? Think again! LJMU’s caring community is here to support you to achieve your best.
For us humans, getting involved in an aggressive conflict can be costly, not only because of the risk of injury and stress, but also because it can damage precious social relationships between friends – and the same goes for monkeys and apes.
BA Business Management students go behind-the-scenes at thriving local business, 92 Degrees Coffee.