Pandemic hastens improved Student Health & Welfare support
Stories of students 'locked down' in halls inspire fresh approach in LJMU Student Advice & Welfare
Stories of students 'locked down' in halls inspire fresh approach in LJMU Student Advice & Welfare
World-first: study demonstrates exercise promotes tumour regression in humans
Dr Rachel Broady, Lecturer of Media Culture and Communications takes part in a Q&A with MA Journalism student Mia O'Hare
LJMU students took centre stage at the University’s annual Middle Temple event in London recently, hosted by LJMU Chancellor and Honorary Fellow, Sir Brian Leveson.
It was great to see plenty of supporters at the LJMU e-Racing Team’s launch evening earlier this month when the team announced some big changes for the 2017-2018 season.
Here are some highlights of what happened at the first two graduation ceremonies of the week.
A partnership featuring Liverpool John Moores University has been awarded £575k worth of funding from the Office for Students for a project to further develop mental health provision for students across Liverpool.
Thanks to the generosity of staff and students for the 2017 Whitechapel/LJMU Christmas Appeal, the University collected nearly 100 boxes of donations for homeless people and families in Liverpool.
Read the Graduation review for Friday 24 November 2017, the last day of our Graduation ceremonies in 2017.
Liverpool John Moores University awards Honorary Fellowship to Steve Burrows CBE at Liverpool Cathedral on Thursday 12 July 2018.