New species of human relative discovered in South African cave
The discovery of a new species of human relative has shed light on the origins and diversity of our origins.
The discovery of a new species of human relative has shed light on the origins and diversity of our origins.
School of Art and Design and FACT partnership project praised
Improving patient outcomes
Scientists from LJMU's Astrophysics Research Institute part of team to discover Earth's nearest Black Hole
The BBC and Local Radio - the People’s Voice?
On March 25, the University hands over its best research to the 2021 Research Exercise Framework, the REF. With more than 600 academics put forward and dozens more colleagues behind the scenes, the REF is arguably the largest project undertaken by the university community.
A study conducted by an international team of astrophysicists, including Dr Rob Crain and Dr Ian McCarthy from the LJMU Astrophysics Research Institute (ARI), has emerged as one of the major research highlights of 2015.
Our prehistoric ancestors may have had large carnivores – giant lions, saber-tooth cats, bears and hyenas up to twice the size of their modern relatives – to thank for an abundance and diversity of plants and wildlife.
A team of scientists from Liverpool John Moores University and the University of Manchester have released the findings of a personality study.
The unit were introduced to a range of skills in ship-handling, navigation and engineering in the university’s range of simulation spaces.