Launch of Liverpool Centre for Olympic Research on Inclusion
LJMU has launched the first worldwide Liverpool Centre for Olympic Research focussing on Inclusion ahead of the Paris 2024 Olympics.
LJMU has launched the first worldwide Liverpool Centre for Olympic Research focussing on Inclusion ahead of the Paris 2024 Olympics.
Experts say impact of parental imprisonment on children 'profound'
Over the past month, more than 120 14- to 17-year-olds from across the UK have taken part in LJMU summer schools to inspire students from underrepresented backgrounds to consider higher education.
Andrew Davies, who is in his second year studying a Sport and Exercise Science degree, has completed his mission to raise £150,000 to pay back the hospital which saved his life six years ago.
Aaron Scarth's campaign for rights of children of prisoners dovetails with research in LJMU's School of Education and Screen School
Improving patient outcomes
Being a student in the UKs most exciting city means you get access to a range of events happening right on your doorstep. So, what is coming up in 2022, in our city and at LJMU?
The number of active Graduate Start Ups are still on the rise at LJMU according to the latest annual Higher Education – Business and Community Interaction survey (HE-BCI).
Research by LJMU in partnership with Bido Lito! asks the question how do we make Liverpool a global music city?
LJMU researchers are to help regenerate post-industrial sites of China after successfully bidding for £250,000 funding from the Arts and Humanities Research Council.