'The greatest chemical threat facing humankind'
Dr Patrick Byrne contributes research to ENDS Report documentary about PFAS water pollution
Dr Patrick Byrne contributes research to ENDS Report documentary about PFAS water pollution
Senior Lecturer in Adult Nursing, Ebenezer Banahene, has won the North West award for Outstanding Contribution to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion from the Royal College of Nursing.
Encouraging desk-based staff to move more and sit less at work can not only improve their health, but also their work performance, was the advice from the Research Institute for Sport and Exercise Sciences (RISES), at a forum for contact centre employees.
LJMU is proving to be a pioneering voice in shaping police policy around terrorism and protecting young people from radicalisation in the region. Dr David Lowe, senior lecturer at the School of Law and leading expert on counter-terrorism has been working closely with Merseyside Police HQ, presenting at their recent Prevent Seminar, while assisting with guidance on law and policy issues more generally.
Research at LJMU is working on ways of presenting the past and creating content for historic sites and museums across Ireland and the rest of the globe.
More than 1,000 students celebrated their achievements with family and friends on the first day of LJMU’s spring graduation ceremonies.
It is with great sadness that the University announces the death of Nickianne Moody following a period of illness.
The final round of paid Discovery Internships for this academic year, which are all sustainability themed, are open for applications now from second and final year (level 5 and 6) students.
Memberships from £30 for students and £50 for staff/alumni