Women in Blitz among topics of history Great Debate
Nine schools and college take part in Historical Society Liverpool heat
Nine schools and college take part in Historical Society Liverpool heat
Based on online reviews over the past two years, LJMU is ranked as the 6th best UK university according to the StudentCrowd awards 2022.
Read more about the new agreement that will make it even easier to search LJMU’s rich Library collection from August 2017.
See the new animation celebrating LJMU’s commitment to equality featuring the voices of staff and students.
Research and Innovation Services (RIS) will be holding an informal networking breakfast event, Coffee and Croissant, at Exchange Station on Thursday 7th February from 8.15am - 9.30am.
LJMU has leapt up a host of rankings tables for student satisfaction.
Face Lab at centre of new technologies to name migrant victims
Inspiring future generations of scientists
An astronomer from LJMU’s Astrophysics Research Institute has discovered a new family of stars in the core of the Milky Way Galaxy which provides new insights into the early stages of the Galaxy’s formation.
Staff from LJMU’s Horizons project arranged a talk on AI for Year 10 pupils from Liverpool Life Sciences UTC.