Gillian Cook
School of Sport and Exercise Sciences
School of Sport and Exercise Sciences
Department of Civil Engineering
Liverpool John Moores University is a lead partner in the EU funded, Erasmus+ project, Financial Literacy for Social Inclusion (FINCARE).
The LJMU exemplar houses are the first purpose built, multi-unit housing test facility in the North of the UK. The houses are designed based on standards from the 1920s, 1970s, and present-day and can be used to test emerging green technologies and building methods.
Learn to apply pathophysiology knowledge to patient cases, understand genetic and environmental impacts, and make evidence-based judgements for effective disease management.
Learn more about race and racism in Liverpool and the UK.
Find about more information about the Recovery and the Arts Conference organised by the Faculty of Science at Liverpool John Moores University which takes place in the Everyman Theatre on 3 September 2019.
The Faculty of Engineering and Technology are proactive in addressing the gender imbalance in the engineering and technology sectors. Find out how.
International Law and Human Rights
Read more about new finds for the Elder Dempster Lines - the largest UK shipping group between Western Europe and West Africa from the late-nineteenth century to the 1980s.