Graduation review: Monday 11 July 2016
The first day of LJMU's 2016 Summer Graduation Ceremonies kick off at Liverpool Cathedral on Monday 11 July.
The first day of LJMU's 2016 Summer Graduation Ceremonies kick off at Liverpool Cathedral on Monday 11 July.
Student Laura Dye, 32, has coached Rebecca Roberts to victory as placed second at the Arnold Strongwoman Competition in Ohio, USA.
Sport psychologist Dr Gill Cook in BBC podcast Mental Muscle
Liverpool John Moores University’s Libraries: Archives and Special Collections has partnered with the Liverpool Everyman to celebrate the sixty-year history of the theatre.
The guest lecturers included Premier league football coach Mike Phelan and England International netball player Sara Bayman.
Aaron Scarth's campaign for rights of children of prisoners dovetails with research in LJMU's School of Education and Screen School
Application of neuroscience to design-out home hazards
More than one-third of people with severe mental health problems (SMI) have a co-existing alcohol/drug condition: but the evidence base on which to build effective service models and responses is limited.
New research has calculated the damage done by farmers converting tropical peat swamps to oil palm plantations.
During JMSU's Sustainability Week, find out how the university is working towards a sustainable future.