Research support - Institute of Art and Technology
Established in 2016 and based in the Liverpool School of Art and Design, the Institute of Art and Technology enhances artistic research and technologies.
Established in 2016 and based in the Liverpool School of Art and Design, the Institute of Art and Technology enhances artistic research and technologies.
The Libraries in a Digital World project explores how and in what ways digitisation is changing the role of libraries and how their design might evolve in the future in response.
Read the oration for Bill Bryson OBE on the award of their Honorary Fellowship from Liverpool John Moores University presented by Professor Frank Sanderson.
Read the oration for His Honour Judge Clement Goldstone QC on the Award of their Honorary Fellowship from Liverpool John Moores University.
Find out about the distinguished guest speakers featured for the 40th anniversary of sports science at Liverpool John Moores University.
School of Biological and Environmental Sciences
Find out how to book gym sessions and inductions alongside facility information.
Read the full oration for Mark Lawler on the Award of their Honorary Fellowship from Liverpool John Moores University.
A vibrant centre for all education leaders across Liverpool City Region. Working in partnership we will connect scholarship and practice, to benefit our children and the communities they live in.
Sedentary behaviour expert, Sophie Carter, explains why binge watching TV is detrimental to your health.