Briefing sessions for professorship and readership conferment
Colleagues who wish to apply to the LJMU professorship and readership conferment process for 2023/24 can now book a place on our briefing sessions.
Colleagues who wish to apply to the LJMU professorship and readership conferment process for 2023/24 can now book a place on our briefing sessions.
New working group and external partner to boost support for 'valued' technical staff
One in four of us have experienced time as moving faster or slower than normal since the COVID pandemic began.
Student Futures call out for ideas across the university
Honorary Fellow Paul McGann returned to the University for a special public event, presented by the School of Humanities and Social Science and as part of the University’s Merseyside at War project, to commemorate the acclaimed BBC drama in which he starred, the Monocled Mutineer.
Hear six quick-fire presentations from LJMU academics as they showcase their innovative research connected to our local communities.
The People Plan 2030 outlines six strategic themes to create engaged staff, central to LJMU’s success.
Plant biologists show methods to improve Miscanthus hybrids to optimise seed production
The winter season 2022 has officially arrived across Liverpool. Here’s everything you need to know about what is happening around campus, and across the city, to get you into the festive spirit.
On Saturday 25 June, staff and students from LJMU will join hundreds of people at Firefit Community Hub (115 Upper Warwick Street, L8 8HD) in Toxteth for a community fair and celebration of everyone and everything that makes L8 so unique.