Britain Afraid: Imperial Insecurities and National Fears - conference June 21/22
Interview with organiser Dr James Crossland
Interview with organiser Dr James Crossland
LJMUs Dr Susan Grant has spent the last decade researching and tracing the history of nursing care in the Soviet Union, with her discoveries now documented in a new publication Soviet Nightingales: Care under Communism.
LJMU deserves the highest praise for their success according to the Minister for Higher and Further Education, after it was the first of only four institutions to be awarded the National Network for the Education of Care Leavers (NNECL) Quality Mark.
School of Justice colleagues Dr Robert Hesketh, an expert on gang crime, and former detectives Richard Carr and Peter Williams, have been inundated with requests for commentary on the unfolding events and have gained coverage internationally.
LJMU hosted events with the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers exploring diversity and inclusion in engineering and technology skills.
Helping patients across Merseyside to be involved in the planning of their future treatment and care.
We look at how and why Liverpool was a catalyst for change when it came to public health and how it continues to make a difference in health care today.
Read the Graduation review for Thursday 23 November 2017, the first day of our November Graduation ceremonies.
Liverpool was recently crowned the number one student city by the Student Crowd Awards, so what sort of amazing things can you get up to this new year and new semester both on and off campus. Here’s our top picks for things to do this semester.
LJMU lifted the Outstanding University Entrepreneurship Award trophy at this year’s Times Higher Education Awards.