Search the LJMU website

  1. Liverpool School of Art and Design careers support

    As a graduate from the Liverpool School of Art and Design a wide variety of career opportunities could be open to you. Find out what careers you could secure and how, through placements and events, the School will help boost your employability.

  2. Courses – Liverpool School of Art and Design

    Our School programmes are constantly adapted in response to industry needs. Our tutors are hugely supportive and as creative practitioners they know how to guide you through your programme. Find the course that's right for you today.

  3. Liverpool School of Art and Design's facilities

    From specially designed studio spaces to award-winning buildings, the Liverpool School of Art and Design has a range of first-rate facilities for students and staff. Find out about the facilities we have to offer.

  4. Criminology - School of Justice Studies

    Our Criminology degree programme at LJMU takes our students on a thought provoking and engaging critical exploration of the institutions which make up the criminal justice system.

  5. Leadership Development Programmes

    The Centre of Educational Leadership will host programmes that assist leaders and organisations to improve and excel in their practice.