Search the LJMU website

  1. Fitness to Practise - Faculty of Science

    For some professional programmes the University is required to make a judgement on a students' fitness to practise a certain range of skills and professional behavior. This is entirely separate from any academic judgment issues that the University is required to make.

  2. Access Symplectic

    Log into Symplectic. The Symplectic database provides a means for members of staff and postgraduate research students at LJMU to capture their publications and professional activities.

  3. Open Journals service

    Publication and hosting service for LJMU online academic journals using Open Journal Systems (OJS).

  4. Access Impact Tracker

    Log in to Impact Tracker. Impact Tracker is a cloud-based software product helping researchers and impact officers to plan for and report social, economic and environmental impact.

  5. What it's like to be a teacher

    Several months into her role as a primary school teacher, we catch up with Sarah Wright, who completed her teacher training with LJMU, to find out what her first year has been like.

  6. Wireless network privacy notice

    This privacy notice explains how we use your personal information and your rights regarding that information whenever you connect to a wireless network at LJMU.