Bomb squad training for Forensics students!
Royal Logistics Corps' first visit to a UK campus
Royal Logistics Corps' first visit to a UK campus
The aim of the programme is to offer LJMU Managers, Programme Leaders and Personal Tutors further support and guidance, in relation to; operating more confidently and effectively, whilst developing themselves and their staff/students positively.
The shift from hunter-gatherer to farmer likely explains evolutionary jumps in appearance amongst many ancient peoples.
The shift from hunter-gatherer to farmer likely explains evolutionary jumps in appearance amongst many ancient peoples, says a new study.
The conference theme of “Community” highlighted PhD, Prof Doc and MPhil Students’ research and activities, both in terms of academic study and voluntary work.
Research which highlights changes to the human body during lockdown and other sedentary situations is having a huge impact among scientists worldwide.
Find out about how a comet discovered by an astronomer in the 1970s has been rediscovered by his son at LJMU over 40 years later
Government-backed customer service technology developed at LJMU is to be showcased to potential clients in the railway industry.
From walking tours around the city, crafts and bibliotherapy workshops, LJMU has a month’s worth of events for all students and staff to get involved in this February.
In a new study, published in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, researchers have for the first time simulated how these massive stars seemingly fade away and disappear when they enter their pre-explosion phase.