Biomechanics Research Group: Publications
Read publications from members of the Biomechanics Research Group.
Read publications from members of the Biomechanics Research Group.
Find out about the school-centred research the School of Education are involved in including Practitioner Research Labs for teachers, our Centre for Educational Research, as well as some of our educational research highlights.
Find out what activities are included in the UK Malaysia University Consortium.
Find out more about members of the Biomechanics Research Group.
Expertise within The Liverpool Institute for Research in Education spans the following topics: school leadership, children's development, technology in education, sports and outdoor education, teacher's professional development, STEM education, and the theory and politics of education.
The Institute for Health Research collaborates with a wide range of partners, find out about our collaborative projects.
Researchers from the School of Computer Science and Mathematics specialise in a wide range of subjects, find out more.
How to safely store and preserve access to your research data.
Find out more information about the Coaching and Pedagogy Research Group which aims to take a multidisciplinary approach to developing research in the areas of coaching and teacher education, pedagogical approaches to practice and issues linking to social justice and equality, diversity and inclusion.
LJMU will host an Experimental Psychology Society workshop entitled: Modularity in Time Perception and Timed Behaviour on 19 January 2017.